Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tom is going to Utah

On February 15th, the Professional Ski Instructors of America's national office invited me to go to Utah at the end of April to attend the National Alpine Team tryouts. I am one of 45 instructors from around the country who made it through the first round.

PSIA is looking to form a team of 12 alpine instructors who they feel are inspirational educators and skiers. This team of 12 will travel the country for four years, providing clinics to instructors at ski areas all over the US. In 2015, the team will be attending the International Ski Congress or Interski, where all the skiing nations come together and share ideas and present to each other.

The team tryouts will be held at Snowbird, Utah from the 22nd to the 26th of April. There will be skiing tasks, teaching tasks and interviews taking place over the course of five days. I look forward to going to the event  and skiing with the top 45 teachers in the US.

And now the training begins ...